EcoNord goal is to strengthen the technical administrative financial capacity of CSOs in northern Albania regions.
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation is implementing the project “Leveraging the capacities of CSO-s in the North of Albania”, the so called “Eco-Nord” project, financed from European Union Delegation in Albania. This project is funder under Civil Society Facility – Civic Initiative and Capacity Building component (part of IPA 2013).
The goal of the project is to strengthen the technical, administrative and financial capacity of CSOs in northern Albania regions (Diber, Kukes, Lezhe, and Shkoder regions) with a goal of positively impacting Albania’s SAA obligations.
Our specific objectives are:
Capacity Development
Creating capacity development facilities as a platform for knowledge, mentoring, and networking for environmental CSOs in North of Albania.
Financing small projects addressing conservation and enhancement of biodiversity, sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against climate change, through a “Local Initiative Fund” in the targeted area.
The main results of the project are:
CSOs in the North of Albania have raised their administrative, financial and technical capacities (based on reports by stakeholders and organizational assessments), through mentoring, training, coaching, and knowledge sharing;
CSOs in the North of Albania have increased involvement in advisory, decision making, networking, advocacy and lobbying activities for biodiversity issues at the local, regional and national levels;
The “Local Initiative Fund” is established, promoted, and managed in a transparent and accountable manner and at least 70% of the EU funding goes directly to CSOs implementing environmental and biodiversity projects;
CSOs in the North of Albania implement responsive and accountable projects that have an impact on environmental issues as prioritized and mandated by the program with funding from the “Local Initiative Fund” established by the action;
Knowledge and experience are capitalized/ institutionalized and shared via publications, webpage and conferences at the regional and national levels.
Latest Grants
Protection and regeneration of ecosystem and habitats in forest of Helshan village
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 01
Name of the applicant:Users' Association of Forests and Pastures Golaj, Has
Partner in the project: Directorate of Forest Services Has
Project Area: Has Municipality
Project title: Protection and regeneration of ecosystem and habitats in forest of Helshan village
Project time: 12 months
To contribute towards the sustainable protection of rare endemic agricultural and wild fruit/nut plants in the geographical area of Fushë-Arrëz municipality.
Financed by:
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Live Green
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 23
Name of the applicant: Association "For you Mother and Children"
Partner in the project: NA
Project Area: Kukes Municipality
Project title: Live Green
Project Budget: 14,395.50 Euro
Project time: 8 months
Increasing community awareness of the environmental protection in Kukes area;
The implementation of the project is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 6,837.75 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
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Kukes Region Eco-school network
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 21
Name of the applicant:Ecologists for Kukes Region
Partner in the project: Women in Development Association
Project Area: Kukes, Has and Tropoja Municipalities
Project title: Kukes Region Eco-school network
Project Budget: 11,601.60 Euro
Project time: 9 months
To increase awareness and understanding of the young generation on environmental development issues and influence their friendly behavior towards the protection, promotion and management of natural resources.
“To raise public awareness and community action for fauna protection and create collaborative partnership between actors, civil society, the State institution in local level and local government as a mechanism to support protection fauna efforts in Diber area and beyond”.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 5,500.00 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Biodiversity in Okshtun River
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 11
Name of the applicant: Association "Ecological Club" Diber
Partner in the project: Water Management Association (WMA) of the Dibra Region
Project Area: Bulqize Municipality
Project title: Biodiversity in Okshtun River
Project Budget: 14,061.99 Euro
Project time: 6 months
Contribute to rehabilitation and protection of biodiversity in the Zall-Okshtun and Sopot, through sensitization of public opinion for the protection of nature in general and organizing awareness activities for the protection of species at risk in particular.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 6,679.45 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Call for Proposals Local Initiative Fund

Round 2
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF), in the framework of the project “Leveraging the Capacities of CSO-s in the North of Albania for the betterment of biodiversity and environment protection” - EcoNord project – that is financed from the European Union Delegation in Albania as part of its programme “Civil Society Facility – Civic Initiative and Capacity Building Component”, launches its second round of Call for Proposals under the grants of Local Initiative Fund of the project.
Local Initiative Fund intends to “To financially support small projects addressing conservation and enhancement of biodiversity, sustainable management of natural resources and promotion of civil society initiatives on these issues” in the North of Albania, and specifically in Diber, Kukes, Shkoder and Lezhe qarks”.
Active Civil Society Organizations working in the North of Albania and enable solutions for issues relating to environment protection and biodiversity. Furthermore, formalized producer and/or community groups such as Association of Forest Users’, irrigation, medicinal plants, agriculture, bee keepers active in the North of Albania are also invited to apply.
Interested applicants should submit:
- Project Proposal format compiled in English language ( download ), ( download Albanian version ). Note: If an applicant presents a proposal in the amount up to 10,000 Euro (>5000 and <10,000) the proposal can be presented in Albanian language with a project summary in English language.( download )
- Budget of the project proposal ( download )
- Logical Framework ( download ), ( download Albanian version )
- The following documentation:
The project proposals that will receive financial support from the Local Initiative Fund should within the agreed financial range (minimum 5.000 Euro and maximum 25.000 Euro), and provide the co-financing budget from the applicant for not less than 5% of the total project budget. The time line for the implementation of project proposals should be above 6 months and not more than 12 months.
Project proposals should be mailed or hand delivered at ALCDF office before 23 March 2016, 17.00 hours, in the below address:
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF) Rr. Shyqyri Ishmi, Pallati Shpresa (mbrapa shkollës së Baletit), Ap. 24/4 Tiranë, Albania.
For more information you are invited in the regional informative meetings that will be organized.
Adresa postare eshte:
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF) Rr. Shyqyri Ishmi, Pallati Shpresa (mbrapa shkollës së Baletit), Ap. 24/4 Tiranë, Shqipëri.
Organizations interested to apply with project proposals under the grant component Local Initiative Fund will be supported with technical assistance from the capacity building component of the project. In the framework of this component, EcoNord organizes training sessions in order to support the civil society organizations interested to apply for the grants to better fulfill the criteria and requirement of the Call for Proposals. The training will be delivered from Albanian National Training and Technical Assistance Resource Centre (ANTTARC). The CSO-s will be notified for the exact dates of the training during the informative meetings to be organized in regards to this call for proposals.
For more detailed information visit the ALCDF website, where it can be found the links with the Guidelines of Applicants for the Call for Proposals, the criteria, timelines, application formats and contacts.
For more information you can also contact via e-mail
Mrs. Lindita Manga, Project Manager EcoNord [email protected]; And
Mr. Besnik Alku, Coordinator for the Local Initiative Fund [email protected]
Protection and promotion of the natural monuments of Dibra
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 24
Name of the applicant:LAG "Touristic Dibra"
Partner in the project: NA
Project Area: Diber Municipalities
Project title: Protection and Promotion of the Natural Monuments of Dibra
Project Budget: 18,844.35 Euro
Project time: 10 months
Preservation and promotion of the natural monuments of Dibra in order to turn them as touristic attraction.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 8,951.07 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Protecting Fauna in Diber Area
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 05
Name of the applicant: Training Center for Communal Forestry & Rural Development
Partner in the project: NA
Project Area: Diber Municipality
Project title: Protecting Fauna in Diber area
Project Budget: 20,582.00 Euro
Project time: 12 months
Increasing community’s participation on protecting wildlife/fauna and biodiversity issues in Diber area.
“To raise public awareness and community action for fauna protection and create collaborative partnership between actors, civil society, the State institution in local level and local government as a mechanism to support protection fauna efforts in Diber area and beyond”.
The implementation of the project is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 9,776.45 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Protection of Endangered Flora Endemic Species in Bulqiza District
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 27
Name of the applicant:Association "Young Environmental Experts" (SHERM)
Partner in the project: National Federation of Communal Forests and Pastures
Project Area: Bulqize Municipality
Project title: Protection of endangered flora endemic species in Bulqiza district
Project Budget: 16,287.90 Euro
Project time: 12 months
The overall goal of the action is to develop a comprehensive understanding on nature protection through community participatory securing sustainable use of natural resources and social prosperity.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 7,736.75 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Protection of fauna endangered species and their habitats in Shkodra lake
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 28
Name of the applicant:Fisheries Management Organization-Shkoder
Partner in the project: Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Agricultural University of Tirana
Project Area: Shkoder and Malesi e Madhe Municipalities
Project title: Protection of fauna endangered species and their habitats in Shkodra lake
Project Budget: 9,716.28 Euro
Project time: 12 months
Institutional capacity building for the protection and sustainable management of fauna in Shkodra Lake and increase the Carp fish population in Lake Shkodra assuring a sustainable fishing.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 4,615.14 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Minimizing Ecological Damage from Floods in Lezha
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 31
Name of the applicant:Institute for Welfare and Environment (IMA)
Partner in the project: NA
Project Area: Lezhe, Lac and Mirdite Municipalities
Project title: Minimizing Ecological Damage from Floods in Lezha
Project Budget: 15,776.62 Euro
Project time: 12 months
Improving the negative environmental impact of the flooding phenomena in Lezha region.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 7,493.81 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Capacity Building of Fushe Arrez community for protection of rare, endemic and wild fruits / nut plants
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 32
Name of the applicant:National Centre for Community Services
Partner in the project: Centre for Genetic Resources - National Bank of Seeds
Project Area: Fushë-Arrëz Municipality
Project title: Capacity Building of Fushe Arrez community for protection of rare, endemic and wild fruits / nut plants
Project Budget: 16,314.27 Euro
Project time: 12 months
To contribute towards the sustainable protection of rare endemic agricultural and wild fruit/nut plants in the geographical area of Fushë-Arrëz municipality.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 7,749.28 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Assessment of the Biodiversity Values in Mirdita
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 38
Name of the applicant: Regional Association for Communal Forests and Pastures, Lezhe
Partner in the project: Association for Sustainable Development and Natural Resources (SENARDI)
Project Area: Mirdite, Lac and Lezhe Municipalities
Project title: Assessment of the Biodiversity Values in Mirdita
Project Budget: 15,272.50 Euro
Project time: 10 months
The major goal of this project is the evaluation/appraisal of biodiversity values in Mirdita region and its sustainable use through best management practices.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 7,254.27 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Biodiversity Conservation Actions for Local Sustainable Development on the Occasion of Shkodra Lake RAMSAR SITE 10TH Anniversary
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 39
Name of the applicant: Albanian Forum of Shkoder Lake
Partner in the project: Shkoder Municipality
Project Area: Shkoder Municipality
Project title: Biodiversity Conservation Actions for Local Sustainable Development on the occasion of Shkodra lake RAMSAR SITE 10TH Anniversary
Project Budget: 23,727.21 Euro
Project time: 12 months
Create greater interest and awareness among community, municipality and civil society for biodiversity conservation and greater understanding of the link between local biodiversity and ecosystem services;
Financed by:
Environmental clubs to poster environmental protection in the Kukes region
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 46
Name of the applicant:Democratic Integration and Development Center – Kukes
Partner in the project: N/A
Project Area: Tropoja, Has and Kukes Municipalities
Project title: Environmental clubs to poster environmental protection in the Kukes region
Project Budget: 16,362.15 Euro
Project time: 8 months
Increase youth participation in the promotion and protection of the environment through the establishment and support of participatory-based community structures (Environmental Clubs)”.
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 7,772.02 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by:
Support Local Partnership & Actions for Sustainable Environment Protection in Diber Region
Project Description
Sub grant reference number: EcoNord R1 - 48
Name of the applicant: Agritra-Vizion
Partner in the project: Agritra-Vizion
Project Area: Diber Municipality
Project title: Support Local Partnership & Actions for Sustainable Environment Protection in Diber Region
Project Budget: 18,381.59 Euro
Project time: 10 months
The implementation of the project has started and it is going based on the plan proposed. The first instalment of 8,731.26 Euro is disbursed after the signing of grant contract.
Financed by: